I am an astrologer living my dream traveling with my partner across the USA. Traveling has taught me to never squander an opportunity and embrace those last minute changes! Change is inevitable and constant. Astrology is a tool to help navigate those changes.

Through the years learning astrology I have discovered three things:

1.) Computer generated readings are all generic and not very accurate (generally not worth the money either as they don’t offer much insight).

2.) Trying to read your own chart leads to feeling of overwhelm and giving up. Unless you are an astrologer it can be difficult to make all the pieces fit together and make sense.

3.) Large full chart readings can still be a lot of information to understand even with the guidance of an astrologer. Don’t feel discouraged if you have a lot of questions or want to do a full chart reading multiple times!

Astrology readings should leave you feeling uplifted, empowered with deeper insights, and have a lasting affect. This is why I offer smaller readings as well as full chart readings. You can find the reading that is right for you and your unique needs.


Have questions or concerns about anything? Feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to answer them for you!